Sunday, December 16, 2012

What Actually Happens When I Write

The other night, I was supposed to be writing. This video happened instead.

New video coming soon!


  1. Do you realize you haven't posted in 3 months and then when you do you only post a 36 second video? #hopesdashed
    Post for real soon!
    ~Sarah Faulkner

  2. Ha, yes, I know :( This year has been a bit of a downhill journey for me, especially with blogging. I'm making another video at the moment that is a lot more awesome than this one and lasts about two minutes :) I'll have it up in a few days!

  3. Replies
    1. You are too!? I most certainly am, I've been one for ages!

    2. Me as well! I think I became one right after the second Bran book came out. I've been meaning to make my video for HARKEN, but haven't got to it yet.

    3. Ah, I discovered him just before The Specter Key came out! Have you been on the chatroom on his site yet?

  4. Hey, I nominated your blog for an award, check it out at this link and do what it says :)

  5. Haha! Lol. Have you ever considered maybe being a movie producer? Because you seem to love making videos. Just a thought.

    1. Writing is the big dream, but I'd love to become a popular youtube content creator! If I can live off writing books and making videos, I will be one happy guy :)


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