Wednesday, December 19, 2012

In 2013, I Will

I guess it's that time again. Everyone's starting to reflect on the past year and look to the coming one.

It's hard for me to accurately say what 2012 was like. It contained some of the best experiences of my life: I spoke in front of 700 people, and I even made them laugh; I performed in a theatresports competition; and I made an entire short film with some mates in 48 hours. I also did many other things, which I loved: I began to create respectable videos; I took ice-skating lessons; I came further with my writing; I ate Thai food three days in a row with my youth leader and life mentor while we were away for a conference.

But, as whole, it seemed like a year in which my goal was simply to survive. Looking back at 2012 is like looking back at a photograph with low contrast and low saturation. There are some bright, vivid parts, but I only see those when I look at them closely.

Over the last week or so, I've been putting together this video of what my life will be like in 2013. And it really makes me believe that 2013 is going to be a high-saturation year.

What will you do in 2013?


  1. Wonderful video, Nick! I've already seen is re-blogged on another teen writer blog and I'd love to do the same if that's okay.
    ~Sarah Faulkner

    1. Thanks, Sarah! I hope I met your expectations this time ;) And as for re-blogging, go for it! I'll come over and check it out :) Thanks!

    2. You quite met my expectations. ;)

  2. Found you through a post by Jessica McKendry. I like meeting teen writers because as a teen I too was (and still am) in love with writing. Have a great 2013 and I hope you accomplish your goals.

    1. Oh, awesome! I'm the same; meeting other teens is sweet! It's great that you love writing :) I really hope that 2013 takes you where you want to go!

  3. Love the video, Nick. You continually impress me. Somehow, I think you'll find 2013 will be a year beyond your expectations. Seize the moment.

    1. Thanks so much, Jeff. The year's looking up, at the moment. If I, as you say, seize the moment and make the most of everything life gives me, I'm sure I'll be able to achieve great things.

      All the best for you and your goals!

  4. You're awesome, Nick. This is so well done. Cheers!

  5. well done,keep it up !

    Happy 2013 and many more,amen.

  6. I love how you compared the years to high-saturation/low-saturation photos. Well worded and I can totally relate.

    1. Thanks! It was the only way I could really think of to describe it.

  7. great video...ur gonna do good in 2013...i haven't even thought that far ahead! new follower, hi!!

    1. Hey there! Cheers, Tammy :) 2013's just around the corner! It's almost surprising how quickly it sneaks up on you.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Sorry I forgot to check over my comment before I pressed publish :P
    I really liked your video! Very well done!

  10. SPLAT! KABOOM! OTHER ASSORTED NOISES! You've just been snowballed! Welcome to the blogger snowball fight of the year! Here's how it works.

    Step 1: Share three random facts about yourself.
    Step 2: ANONYMOUSLY snowball at least 2 of your favorite blogs. If you get snowballed again, you may NOT snowball a blog you have previously snowballed, unless you are all out of blogs. Have fun!

    1. Haha thanks! We're lacking snow down here in the southern hemisphere, but this sounds fun anyway! :)

  11. Awesome video. Good luck with your goals!

  12. Hey, cool blog. I enjoyed checking it out!! You should keep it up! And good luck with your goals!!!

  13. Hey Nick, I'm hosting a writing contest on my blog and if you wanted to enter it, that would be great!


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