Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Vlog: How to Beat Writer's Block

Happy New Year!

Just quickly, I should let you know that I'm currently away on holiday with my family, and therefore over the next week-and-a-bit all my posts are going to be scheduled (and so is this one). So, while I won't be able to answer comments until I get back, you will still get post updates from me.

Now for the video. Enjoy, and I hope it helps!

{ This video has been removed }


  1. Neat use of vids on your blog, very cool:)

    1. Thanks, I'm currently planning on doing one every month. We'll see where that goes :)

  2. Sweet methods for cracking writers block. Though, I have an awesome way for breaking it, too, and I call it writing...simple. No method is used to stumble writers block if you constantly write. There is no excuse for having writers block. Anyway, I enjoyed your vlog and some of the advice...

    1. Thanks. Good point also: writing - persevering by writing - works wonders. I personally get blocked often, so it's good to have a few tricks up my sleeve, though, just in case writing really isn't happening for me.

  3. Whoa. I'm a little dizzy there from the camera work!

    Thanks for the suggestions. When I get writer's blog, I just slosh right through it and keep writing, even if it's crap. Have to keep the words flowing.

    When I really hit a roadblock, I read. Reading is a good way to get the creative juices flowing again.

    1. I'm a perfectionist, so I have to consciously (and constantly) remind myself to "slosh" when I'm blocked. And as you say, reading works too - it is definitely a great way of coming up with new ideas.

  4. Dang it. The firewall won't let me see the video. Hope you enjoy your holiday!

  5. Classical music also always helps! I find that listening to that and then closing your eyes, visualising just whatever comes to your mind, I once had some skeletons dancing on a leaf.. One of my stranger visuals.. But you get the idea, it unlocks the freedom to get deep and get creative! Also, writer's block, YES! Writing just really helps!! What I do is: Write down a sentence, a sentence about anything. It might not even make sense, and then, I go from there and churn out a short story that would hopefully get me invigorated to get back into writing!! (Not that I HAVE started on a novel... YET. Procrastination is terrible)

  6. Done, I like it :) Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Elana: Stink. Oh well, thanks for trying anyway :)

    Graeden: Music is great for inspiration, yeah. I love listening to it to get ideas. However, I tend not to be able to have it going while I'm actually writing, because I have to be able to hear my story. And for that, I need silence :P


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