Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Vlog: Welcome To My Writing World

I thought I'd try my hand at vlogging just as a bit of a one-off thing, introduce everyone to my face and my writing room (amongst other things). So here's a video from me, straight from my home. Enjoy!

{ This video has been removed }


  1. Yay! That was a good vlog... :D I love how many plotting notebooks, memos, etc, that you have. Haha. Anyway, great video!

  2. Thanks Gracie :) Yea, I plot excessively :P

  3. That was a great vlog! And I love your notes and books for writing - I have tons too :-)

  4. Thanks :) I have this dream of a day when I have stacks and stacks of notebooks and drafts. After I get stacks, I want filing cabinets :)

  5. Love the vlog post, Nick! What fun - a half professional bio pic?! LOL.

    I have filing cabinets, and stacks, and then there are a few piles down around my feet, because I've run out of room on my desk and shelves. It's getting to feel a little crowded. Your rooms look nice and spacious - good for the flow of creative energy ;)

  6. Loved the vlog, buddy. You're very entertaining. I wish I was as dedicated when I was your age - no doubt you will go far in the business. Can't wait to see that day!!

  7. Haha I just gotta say, LOVE YOU NICK :P Really ought to put that little film up sometime too... that took friggin nine months to make. WE DID GOOD! YOU BE A GREAT LEAD! :D

  8. @inluvwithwords: Thanks! My room is a bit small, but it's mostly neat and tidy, so that makes it feel bigger :) It's not crowded. Not yet, anyway :P

    Thanks Paul :) You're always so encouraging, I appreciate it.

    Graeden! Thanks man :D And yes, you should. I don't actually think I ever saw the finished version of it ...

  9. Hi there! Thanks for the blog follow, nice to meet you =)

  10. No worries :) Nice to meet you too, and thanks for the follow

  11. Ever see I watched this I can hear your accent in my head as I read your blog posts. XD

    1. Haha, no way, I don't have an accent! I think it's you who must have the accent ;)

    2. Hmm... you may be right about that. The Southern twang is very light though.


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